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"I have found the silent meditative walks in the woods led by Caroline helped me to be present and at one with nature. Caroline's carefully chosen words at the start of each walk provides a focus for what we see, hear, touch and smell."


"Caroline’s walks are so much more than a pleasant walk in nature. Firstly, by walking slowing and in silence I was able to really get in touch with my senses and walk mindfully for some time. Being part of group helped to keep me focused and stop me feeling self-conscious. Secondly, with the forest bathing, (where we meditated under the trees) I began to relax even more and really felt part of nature rather than an observer. The whole experience left me feeling calmer and so much happier."


Freedom and letting go. As we walked today I noticed I felt a freedom in being at the back. Someone else in charge.  I could let go.  As someone who has often found myself in positions of leadership, this was a freedom I didn't experience in day to day life.  In nature I felt like a child, a free child, one who could wander, one who could pick blackberries, listen to the birds, look up, look down, notice the feathers on the path, taste the dust in my throat, wee in the hedgerow, feel the warmth of the sun on my back, hear the wind in my ears and how it changed when I turned.  Nature and her abundance.  All this I could enjoy.  My mind, and the internal chatter quietened as time passed.  Play; I felt playful.  I could just be me. What an experience. Thank you Caroline. Thank you for leading, for guiding, for being a gentle presence so that I could let go.

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